39th Avenue Land Sale | Additional History

History - Notes And Annotations [editorial]
As of 3.15.08 I find this quote from Eckhart Tolle's book, Awakening To Your Life's Purpose, page 115, illuminating. "The ego loves its resentment of reality. What is reality? Whatever is. Buddha called it tatata--the suchness of life, which is no more than the suchness of this moment. Opposition toward that suchness is one of the main features of the ego. It creates the negativity that the ego thrives on, the unhappiness that it loves. In this way, you make yourself and others suffer and don't even know that you are doing it, don't know that you are creating hell on earth. To create suffering without recognizing it--this is the essence of unconscious living; this is being totally in the grip of ego. The extent of the ego's inability to recognize itself, to see what it is doing is staggering and unbelievable." (That is, until you are victimized by it -- then it becomes "reality".) So, in the presence of failed data presented by proponents of the "Habitat", data that is tantamount to fraud, their vision does not change, they push forward, regardless. (See link below regarding "Defective... Data...") NOTE: If you are not familiar with the zoning/LID (low impact development regulations) debate that is currently (eternally) going on in the city of Bothell WA. U.S.A. then this may not be relevant or useful to you. If, however, you need a good cry...
  • As the LID code reaches towards conclusion
       proponents of no-growth sound the flood warnings. [popup]
    Links For Associated Information
  • Land Owners /Properties /City of Bothell Links [popup]
  • Public Letter - Sept. 1 (developing) [popup]
  • Video to be made available soon
  • Zone 1 Hillside Waterflow and related topics [popup]
  • Comments/Concerns To July 07 Council Hearing [popup]
  • The YouTube Zone 1 Island Video [popup]
  • Council Comments/Response Sept. 18th...    DEFECTIVE DATA IS DISCOVERED) [popup] History    [top] In 1997 my neighbor to the north approached me across the fenceline as I worked in our Canyon Park Orchard, a small commercial apple orchard that we operated for 20 years. He was a retired real estate broker who had recently purchased his property, property the exact same dimension as ours that stretched out alongside our north property line. His intent at the moment was to suggest that he and I go together to create applications for a rezone hearing, to be submitted to our city, the city that we had recently been annexed into. His experience knew that the process of making application was fairly easy and not expensive. "We have nothing really to lose for trying", he said. He felt that at least we would find out how we stand in the prospects of having our land rezoned from a rural 1 acre zoning to a residential zoning of 4 houses to the acre. I was not a pro-development person but when he emphasized that we would merely be finding out if there was any potential for changing the property's zoning I liked the information option. I've always loved research. I was a computer hobbyist and had the resources available to print out maps and text necessary for submitting the rezone requests, thinking that it would be handy for the neighbor who did not have computer skills. The whole zoning process was entirely new to me and if given the choice I would rather not have had to try to negotiate the bureaucracy of trying to do business with a city municipality -- because of my ignorance in the matter. But that was what was necessary and I put my best foot forward. Paperwork tended to make me ill at spirit and I was at the very beginning of a long and arduous learning curve in dealing with the it. I plowed my way through the list of required texts, forms and maps that were required for approval, to time-stamp our application for the public record. Terminology, acronyms and abbreviations-nauseated I was finally able to put it all together and our requests were approved. All we had to do was sit and wait for a date to go before the city council, to have our plea heard. Time and again passed by and by and by without word. We had been warned ahead of time that it would be a little while before our turn in line would allow our requests to be heard by the council. Years passed. More recently we've put together a dossier of documents collected over the years, correspondence between ourselves and the city, the city's excuses and reasons why our rezone request was not ever being heard and the documents are now part of the public record. Our submission approval date, in line, was circumvented, passed up by request after request from individuals in other areas of the city who had filed their requests after ours. The correspondence we collected would promise that our request would be heard "in the next cycle" before a certain date and then nothing would happen. We were obviously being passed over even though the city staff was being reminded that our request, dated, existed and was not being heard. I was being educated in the fact that time passing in the city staff's mind was a different time relevence than my own. As the decade milestone, since our request was filed, approached without hearing -- it became evident that even staff's time relevence was questionable although I made every attempt to understand things from their perspective. The protracted arbitration that has ensued, now that the rezone has been granted (albeit currently crippled) is seemingly non-ending. As of this moment the property owners are caught in a situation that will tax burden them into a dangerous financial situation while not allowing developers to be able to afford land development consideration -- while trying to meet the stringent environmental requirements that are placed on the property. As the planned and dedicated Bothell Connector arterial project will bisect our properties and highest and best use taxes are applied plus the strict environmental required 65% forestation/10% impervious road surface burden considered, it is not likely that any buyer, private individual or otherwise, would be interested in purchasing the land. The property owners are trapped in a situation that for lack of a better definintion seems hopeless. ----------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONS / EDITORIAL THOUGHTS [A Voice of Utter Frustration - 2007] Life goes on with my wife's nightly nightmares... We are still in the grip of the city government's will, being played like the bottom feeder fish that we seem to represent (as greedy land owners). The group of properties that Zone 1 is comprised of, east of the Bothell Connector right-of-way, has been granted the highest available residential zoning. This far exceeded any zoning that we might have asked for and we will be taxed by the county assessor based on highest and best use for that zoning - which is going to be far more than we can afford. But the city is requiring that the land be forested at 65% and given the 'pervious' roads and improvements required, out of 50+ acres of land in Zone 1 of the subarea, it is presumed at this point that only about 7+ acres would be build-able. So, we can't sell the property, no individual wants it because there is a busy arterial that is going to bisect it in the (?) future. The required conifer forest will block out the beautiful mountain view that the hillside has now. When the consulting environmental engineer was asked by the city council about details of the strict low impact development requirements the individual said that they didn't have many answers yet. "It's all experimental". Our lives have been sold for science experiments. When asked where the results of this research work would be applied next the answer was, "We aren't going to do this sort of thing again anywhere else.". We feel like lab rats -- trapped. ----------------------------------------------------------- We are all environmentalists. We share the air that we breath and sharing in survival is required, without debate. But there are strong issues that need to be addressed regarding our city imposed "Critical Species Habitat" regarding the Zone 1 hillside. The fact that the special zoning was enforced on our sub-area lands as a deadline driven issue, the city council having run out of time creating the state required comprehensive planning at the very end of the allowed 1 year extension period -- without a thorough surveys conducted -- raises concerns. The creation of the Critical Species Habitat was very much an agenda driven issue supported by "environmental groups" who had lost their bid for creating a critical species habitat to include the adjoining subarea north. The subarea to the north had been removed from consideration for this special zoning through opposition that was driven by land developer support and the environmental agenda had to be satisfied with designation of just one subarea, Fitzgerald. When the city council was able to vote our subarea into the special zoning -- opposition from land developers took the issue before The Puget Sound Growth Management Board for testimony and consideration by the panel. The Growth Management Board, in an effort to consolidate the hearing, placed all petitioners with similar issues together in one hearing session. Because of the disparate claims made by so many petitioners the hearing was confused in nature and the board decided to award the city approval for their habitat. The city council voted to hire an environmental engineering firm, Parametrix, to survey the Critical Species Habitat properties and to make recommendations on low impact development restrictions. This was done in part to satisfy the Puget Sound Growth Management Board's requirement that the city provide facts and findings to substantiate their claims. Although the science to support the city's critical species habitat claim is good science the lack of comprehensive and complete survey of the uplands in Zone 1 brings serious questions about the applied science's validity into play. Also in question is the relevence of creating a critical species habitat in a small geographic area that is surrounded and directly iffluenced by land development completed and currently taking place. The lands surrounding the subarea, all lands being part of the North Creek drainage, are under heavy development in creating housing, using current land development practices, that are creating pollution and runoff in the waters that supply the small tributary creeks that are focus in the critical species habitat. There are approximately 19 miles of North Creek that flow down from the north, drainage that supplies the Critical Species Habitat, lands that are heavily developed, being developed and that subject the creek to non-point pollution, septic system effluent, general run-off and chemical contamination. The approximately 19 miles of North Creek arrives at the .9 mile single shore critical speciea habitat, east, that are the lands adjoining the rest of the habitat. As the engineer testified to the city council, the habitat is experimental and the results of treating it as a critical species habitat are uncertain. The fact that the uplands of Zone 1 were not ever entered by personnel conducting any survey can only lead to questions regarding this "good science" as it is applied -- in making assumptions. Also, the fact that surveys, now aged, that identified the lands of two adjoining subareas as valued highly in the preservation of existing salmon spawning runs apply to only the one remaining subarea. The two spawning creeks identified are fed by water sources that are outside the control of the remaining subarea and are identified, now, as polluted, caused by heavy development that has already taken place. Given the current severities imposed on the land owners involved in this debate any amount of assuming during the application of "good science", which by definition "is always subject to peer review", jeopardizes the legitimacy of the Critical Species Habitat. It is bad thinking to assume to apply good science when the effort is overshadowed by agenda driven bias. The city needs to be very careful in applying experimental habitat policy in a city growth region that will be continually scrutinized for its experimental nature. According to the consultant's testimony it may take 100 to 200 years of experimenting to judge whether the habitat is a success or not, in the ability to recreate an old growth forest environment. The science that is being quoted regarding a desired 65% forestation/10% impervious road surface low impact development restriction is assuming "natural" conditions. There are no natural conditions existing in Zone 1 of the Fitzgerald subarea. The mayor's comments regarding this situation do well to reflect the current condition. "We are trying to create a Jurassic Park where there now is none." He went on to note that the lands on the hillside in Zone 1 have been cleared and farmed for many years. In 1856 New York city set aside over 700 acres of land destined to become Central Park. In all that time New York City remains a high density building cluster surrounding Central Park and Central Park remains, as does its city host does, a people place. People come first in "the city" albeit required to observe good environmental lifestyle practices to remain healthy and dense in habitat -- to allow outlying low development areas to remain that -- to protect the overall environment. No experiment needed in that but rather good rationale. If the city of Bothell wants a PARK then the responsibilities of acquiring and maintaining a park is the correct agenda to pursue, not the sneaky approach of last minute designation of lands, agenda destined to burden the few private land owners for the benefit of special interest desires. Otherwise that's called theft. To date there has not been any discussion regarding protecting this Critical Species Habitat from the influences of all the development surrounding it, ie: fences. The population of humans moving into all the new housing is going to have a great impact on the health of the habitat. For examples of how other watersheds are protected one needs only to drive around and observe. The city's agenda tends to mindset grabbing land and experimenting, to wait to see where the chips may fall. The sense of rudeness developing from all this in regard to humanity creates a veil of sadness. Special interests WANT what they want and through manipulation have imposed their will on the sleepy bedroom community that Bothell has for a long time been. A few of us are paying the price for their "experiment" and to the Berrys that will likely mean the loss of an entire life's work, insignificant in the greater scheme of things, certainly, but just the same a recipe for a healthy curse. As farmers, the Berrys have always used sweat equity and cash to pursue their lives. The land that they payed reverent stewardship to is their only asset for the future. To jeopardize them in a sense of disdain is, if nothing else, remarkable thinking. "Amazing" was Tom Berry's more charitable approach to defining his loss of property owner rights. ------------------------------------------------------------ Another perspective 2007 -- The lands to the north of Zone 1, hillside, in the Critical Species Habitat are under development as of August 2007. The land as of August 15th is completely cleared for 110 new homes, currently being scraped to separate the soils. The land immediately behind, east of the city line, will commence developement shortly to resemble the development currently being worked to the north. To the south of the habitat there is an existing apartment complex built out on R5400A zoning. Soon, the Bothell Connector arterial will bisect the hillside properties on the west, separating the hillside properties from the rest of the Critical Species Habitat with linear highway construction, north -south, that will permanently alter the water flow that flows west and south. The Zone 1 hillside properties will be effectively removed from direct influence in the Critical Species Habitat system. Few people like land development but it's simply reality and old biases need to be modified to deal with this reality -- to be governed by reasonable restraints. This video is available to help describe the terrain features and surrounding development.    [top]